LEO Makes Donation to Siriraj Hospital
Mr. Kettivit Sittisoontornwong, Chief Executive Officer of LEO Global Logistics (LEO), recently represented the Company and donated 200,000 THB to the Siriraj Foundation. This donation will aid the foundation in purchasing medical equipment for the Nawamintarabopid 84 Pansa Building, Siriraj Hospital.
Nawamintarabopid 84 Pansa Building is a 25-story medical facility designed to replace the Hospital’s old medical buildings while supporting the rising number of patients. The currently under-construction building can support up to 20,000 patients per year with 376 hospital beds and 62 ICUs. Once completed, the building will be able to treat over 500,000 patients per year.
Along with the donation, LEO also provided Siriraj Hospital with 100 hand sanitizer sprays.